Saturday, September 3, 2016

Girls Pink Ombre Desk

I had a friend cleaning out storage and I bought this desk for $20. I knew immediately what I wanted to do with it. I had such positive reviews of the Boy's Ombre Desk that I thought it might be nice to redo this desk for a girl. I really like how my Cottage Desk turned out though, so I decided to paint this desk with my homemade chalk paint. 

I rushed right into starting my project without taking a decent "before" picture, but when I remembered I had already started taking off hardware and fixing any issues I saw with the piece.

The hardware on this desk was in very poor condition and rusted badly. I had a very difficult time getting it off. It seemed to be fused to the wood!

Normally, when I'm working with chalk paint I do not bother to sand much, but because of the rust residue I sanded the drawers down to the original wood surface.

I purchased 4 different sample size colors of pink and made my homemade chalk paint with each. Click here for a recipe on how to make your own chalk paint with regular latex paint plus application! I had to use three coats on the desk to completely cover this time around, but usually two coats is sufficient. 

To protect the newly painted surface I used SC Johnson Paste Wax. Check out my post here on how to apply clear wax, plus tips on how to apply dark wax if you should choose to go for that look :)

To update the hardware, I purchased two clearance knobs in pink and black zebra pattern from Hobby Lobby and put those on the right hand drawer. I purchased two pulls from Home Depot for the two bottom left drawers. The top left drawer is actually the original hardware. I spray painted both knobs with Oil Rubbed Bronze from Krylon :)

We sold this cute girl's desk in a local vintage store!

If you have any questions or comments about this project or any other projects I've posted, feel free to comment below!