Sunday, November 8, 2015

Distressed Cottage Desk

This desk makes me think of cool mornings by the breezy ocean coast, sipping warm green tea. Complete peace around me, just listening to seagulls and reading a book. 

HAHAHAHA....I wish. I'm currently listening to a medieval battalion attack the Bat Cave in the background while my daughter keeps interrupting me to help her with yet another rainbow loom bracelet. I'm ok with that though. It means they still want to be near me and haven't written me off yet. 

I purchased this desk a few months ago for $50. I got a second desk for $10 along with it and made over that one for my son's room here. I had intended to sell this desk but I think I may keep it.

This is what the desk looked liked beforehand. Not bad, but pretty scratched up. Not sure if it was done this way on purpose or not. 

I had four different colors of blue left over from my son's desk makeover. I really did not have a vision for this project. I always begin with a clear concept of what I want the end result to be, but this time I was winging it.

I used homemade chalk paint to repaint the desk with the light blue I had. Click here to learn how to make your own chalk paint. I also have tips here on how to distress furniture and apply chalk paint.

I thought I might stop there and leave the drawers white. I showed my very honest friend, who loves everything I do, and she said it looked like I started it and then stopped. Well technically, yes that is what I did haha. You probably cannot even tell, but the hardware is different in this photo as well. My husband thought I should try the smaller wood knobs I had left over from my daughter's desk. Um no. I also was not happy with how much paint I had sanded off on that piece of trim on the right. Good news is you can paint over it and begin again.

I removed the drawers again and decided to paint them the darkest blue I had. Again I made chalk paint. I usually apply two coats of paint to my projects. I distressed the drawers and stood back to inspect my results. Still wasn't right. 

So, I text my Dad and ask for suggestions. I have already determined that my husband's opinion was void since he doesn't care for distressed pieces. Dad suggested I paint the trim piece on the right to match the drawers for balance. Good idea padre!

I distressed the trim piece just a bit, being careful not to distress as much as last time. I took the original knobs and painted on some blue haphazardly. Sanded them a bit to look aged and worn. 

To protect your chalk paint you'll need to wax your piece. I have a full tutorial here on how to apply clear wax. I really love the SC Johnson brand wax. That link will also teach you how to apply a dark wax to your pieces if you choose to do so.

Now, I believe I will keep this piece for myself!

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